EACOG has a mandate to see people save and help them develop a relationship with Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit to live in the fullness of God and walk in the freedom of His Son Jesus Christ.
REACHING the lost- EQUIPPING and EMPOWERING church members to live out God’s intentions through EDUCATION to fulfill the call to EXCEL.
We commit ourselves to the challenge of being a church that genuinely cares for one another and for those who are lost, hurting and needy.
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Aspernatur obcaecati unde, quasi nihil neque, voluptatem. Consectetur.
Assumenda reiciendis delectus dolore incidunt molestias omnis quo quaerat voluptate, eligendi perspiciatis ipsa laudantium nesciunt officia, odit nemo quidem hic itaque. Fugiat.